- TFNation 2025 discount rate bedrooms will be available for purchase at 12:00 Midday (BST) on Saturday 8th March 2025.
- Booking details will be provided to convention ticket-holders - so please ensure you have secured your tickets.
- Traders and Forge Artists will be contacted separately with specific instructions.


Whether you're a returning TFNational, or a first-time convention-goer, we know hotel accommodation is an important part of your TFN planning. Following some behind-the-scenes work at the Hilton, we're now able to give you all the important details you'll need to start your journey!



The Hilton Birmingham Metropole has offered the following discounted rates to TFNation 2025 ticket holders;

£110.24 per night - Single bedroom (for single occupancy), including breakfast.

£132.30 per night - Double or Twin bedroom (for single occupancy), including breakfast.

£165.37 per night - Double or Twin bedroom (for double occupancy), including breakfast.

£187.42 per night - Family bedroom (for two adults and two children), including breakfast.

(All prices are correct at the time of writing. All prices are quoted inclusive of VAT)

Please note - we've been advised single bedrooms are extremely limited this year, owing to other events in the area. Other room types have lots of availability at the time of writing.


TFNation's discount rate bedrooms will be available for purchase at 12:00 Midday (BST) on Saturday 8th March 2025. We will make another post shortly to let ticket holders know how to book their rooms.

For Traders and Forge Artists, we will email you in due course regarding your applications, and with instructions for booking your bedrooms, as the process is a little different for you.


We are advised you will need to pay a deposit at the time of booking, equivalent to the price of one night in your room (this will then be counted towards the full price you will need to pay, at the hotel). Deposits are charged at the hotel's discretion depending on hotel occupancy.

The deposit will be non-refundable and non-transferable, so it's important that you only book a room if you are confident you will make the event. 

Please note - if your credit/debit card provider asks you to complete a safety verification screen, they may well display the full value of your total stay. This is their way of telling you how much you will ultimately have to pay. However, the Hilton page where you enter your details will confirm at the bottom that only one night's deposit will be taken.

You will not need to pay for the rest of your stay until you are at the hotel; if you have a credit card, you will not need to pay until check out. If you do not have a credit card, you will need to pay at check in.


This depends on whether or not you've already purchased your convention tickets.

If you have already purchased your TFNation 2025 tickets, follow these steps at 12:00pm (BST) on Saturday 8th March 2025;

A. Click the Log In button which is found at the top right of the home screen (desktop devices) or in the drop down menu (mobile devices). Log in with your username and password.

B. Once logged in, the Log In button will be replaced with a My Account button - click it, to open your account's drop down menu.

C. In the drop down menu, under the heading Attendee Area, click Order History.

D. On the Order History page you'll see a list of your TFNation bookings. If you've attended several conventions the list could be quite long now. Look for the booking which starts with TFNation 2025 and click it.

E. Now you've opened your TFNation 2025 booking page and will be able to see your tickets for the event. This is the page you need to be on. At 12:00pm (BST) on Saturday 8th March 2025, a green button called Book Hotel Rooms will appear on this page - that's your access to the Hilton Booking portal. (You might need to refresh the page to make the button appear/work)

F. Once you've clicked the big green button, you'll leave the TFNation website and enter the Hilton's TFNation 2025 microsite; from here, it's over to you to book the bedrooms you're hoping to secure - good luck!

If you've not purchased your tickets yet;

The green button will appear at the end of your ticket booking journey, from 12:00pm (BST) on Saturday 8th March 2025 onwards.

It's really important that you please check your password first as you will need to log in with the same account you used to buy your TFNation 2025 tickets - if you create a new account instead, the system won't know you've bought tickets, so it won't give you access to the booking portal.


Over the years, we know many of you have decided to extend your stay at the hotel, be that to assist with your travel plans or just so you can soak up a little more of the TFN spirit. Naturally, we love this, but it is important to remember that TFNation is a three day event; this means it is fully down to the hotel's discretion as to whether or not the discount rate can be extended to other nights - in turn, that usually comes down to which events are running either side of TFNation.

This year our discount is unlikely to extend to these nights. But don't worry, if you're unable to secure them at the TFN rate, we have a workaround for you;

Step 1 - Purchase your TFN-date bedrooms for the convention nights.

Step 2 - Using your Hilton Honors account (it's free to sign up!) search for the extra nights you'll need. You can find great deals this way, but keep in mind you may potentially sacrifice that all importance breakfast or cancellation rights if you book the very cheapest room - always read the small print!

Step 3 - Armed with your TFNation booking reference, and your extra nights details, if you speak with the front desk at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole they should be able to "stitch" your nights together so you don't have to change rooms during your stay.



No. You must first buy a ticket to qualify to use the bedroom portal, but once you're in, bedrooms are sold subject to availability.

Each year we remind our attendees that even though the Metropole is the UK's largest events hotel outside of London, there are more than twice as many TFNationals as there are bedrooms. That means even before we factor in other events and members of the public, it is sadly not possible to guarantee everybody a room.



The Hilton computer is smart, but it's no Teletraan-1. Think of it like a game of connect four (or, three, really). If you want a room for three nights, and ALL three nights are available, then the computer will be happy and you'll get your room. But if ANY one of those three nights is not available, you'll get an error message. 

The trick is to start small. Try one day at a time. By process of elimination, you'll see which day is the culprit! Book the nights you can - remember, you've got until August to fill any gaps and rooms do free up as people change their plans.

It is also important to identify the correct number of adults who will be staying in your room, as this impacts the overall rate and the number of breakfasts your room is entitled to.


This is unlikely - it has happened, but it's not really something we can bank on as it's dependant on how other events sell. 

What does often happen, however, is people tend to cancel their bookings in the first few weeks (probably when they realise their friend has also booked a room and they can share). So keep checking back, because if somebody drops out, you might get lucky and grab that room! You can keep checking right up until the weekend of the convention.


Residents parking at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole is £14.00 per night, with an increased day rate of £18.00 for non-residents. Additional parking is also available at the nearby NEC and Resorts World, though we would encourage you to check the rates before you travel.

As was the case last year, the hotel swimming pool is now part of a privately-operated Living Well Heath Club, with individual passes starting at £10.00, and family passes available at a concession. If interested, please ask for up to date prices and availability when checking into the hotel. This might change in the run up to the event so keep an eye on it.


If you're not lucky enough to grab your preferred room at the Hilton, don't panic! You can still have a fantastic time visiting TFNation! The NEC area has lots of hotels within a short distance of the convention, including the Hilton Garden Inn on the doorstep of the airport. We'll also have some alternative hotel information on our website.

Pro-tip! Hotels usually reserve some rooms for public sale. So join Hilton Honors as a backup (it's free!).  Just remember to check the terms of any rooms you book, as they may be different to the TFNation deal when it comes to things like breakfast and cancellations.