Everything about this year is... big.

As we inch closer to TFNation 2024, it is clear this will be our largest event to date.  In addition to that, we have some incredible guests, amazing artists and an jaw-dropping collection of traders.  Add the Transformers 40th anniversary celebrations to that, and it's clear - 2024 is a big deal.

With that in mind, we've been working hard behind the scenes to bring you the best, and safest, weekend possible, in the place where all are one.  This has involved redesigning ALL of our major function rooms for the weekend.

Here's everything you'll need to know ahead of time:



Located on the ground floor next door to the mighty Monarch Suite, the Warwick has been a multi-purpose room for us at TFNation. In the past it has housed our Forgers, The Gundam Wing, and our Early Access queuing.

This year the Warwick Suite has been designated as our Registration and Merch collection area. This means it'll be the very first room you interact with, when picking up your convention wristbands and pre-orders.



The Kings Suite has been, and remains, our panel room; but now, with the Registration area moving to the Warwick Suite, we have much more room to play with in the Kings.  By removing the partition walls, we've been able to transform the Kings Suite into its final form - a much larger version of itself, traditionally reserved for use during ClubCon.

This change has been made not only to increase capacity, but to provide more comfortably-spaced seating too, with wide aisles for those with additional mobility requirements. An added benefit is that the background noise provided by previously-adjacent registration area, will now be removed, leading to more immersive panels.



Then there's our Trader Hall. As we expecting a large number of attendees, Traders, Forge artists and Guests, we have gone back to our datapads, in conjunction with the venue, to design a new layout which we think believe will better suite this extra-special occasion.

With an emphasis on clearer routes to emergency exits, and a further widening of our already generous aisles, this new layout has been designed with accessibility and traffic flows in mind. We've also afforded a more generous area in front of the main doors, where attendees enter and exit the room.



We all know the first 2-3 hours on Saturday tend to be the busiest period for the convention.  For those attendees who would prefer to wait until things have calmed a little, we've strategically placed some interesting schedule items to keep you entertained, over in the Kings Suite (Panel Room).

Following our 9:00am Opening Ceremony, we'll launch into Shattered Glass - a stop motion animated movie from Crosshairs Productions; because watching a movie is always the best way to avoid the rush.

A busy environment is something which goes hand in hand with a convention like TFNation, and we know changes can sometimes be a little disorientating; but we're hopeful these improvements will help to make this weekend more comfortable for all of our attendees.

(Please note: All guests, appear at TFNation strictly subject to professional commitments, and all advertised guest lists are subject to change without notice. All panel rooms are subject to capacity limits. Terms and Conditions of sale apply on this small world right now, in the past, and in any potential future, notwithstanding judgment day)