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Last Update: 28th July 2022. The health and well-being of our attendees, guests and crew is of paramount importance to TFNation.

As we get nearer to the convention dates, we'll update this section to give you more information about the measures TFNation, and our venue, will have in place for you.

Q1. Will TFNation have a Covid-19 (and variants) policy?


That's the short answer; the health and well-being of our attendees, guests and staff is absolutely paramount to us. As you may expect though, the full answer is a little longer.

TFNation is based in the UK, so our finalised policy will be based upon Government rules and local health advice which will be in place in the summer of 2022. We’ll therefore be keeping an open mind and updating this FAQ throughout the year, as required.

Q2. Is the Hilton Birmingham Metropole taking any measures?


Hilton Hotels often lead the way in cleanliness in hospitality settings. Since our 2019 event, the hotel has had a full refurbishment meaning all rooms will be sparkling and new in time for TFN2022.

They’ve also gone even further since the pandemic began. Hilton has implemented a new "CleanStay" system to ensure their rooms and amenities are cleaned to the highest standard.

The new standard includes enhanced cleaning and sanitisation for touch sensitive areas, such as switches, electronic controls, handles, bathroom surfaces, climate control panels, telephones, clocks, bed and bedding, bath amenities, hard surfaces, closet good and in-room food and beverages.

Q3. Will I need a vaccine passport / proof of vaccination to enter the hotel or TFNation 2022?


Since our Covid-19 policy was launched at the beginning of the 2022, the landscape has changed dramatically. Most notably the UK Government has withdrawn domestic COVID passes for events, which we were looking to rely upon as proof of vaccination status. One by one, international borders have reopened and large events have returned around the world.

The end result is, whilst we remain committed to safety and well-being, it is now going to be impossible for us to try and enforce our original policy, given the world around us has changed so much. We’ve explored several different avenues but ultimately, we don’t like any response which would see attendees being treated differently based on the place they call home - that’s not the TFN way.

Q4. Do I need to be vaccinated?

We strongly recommend attendees obtain all of the vaccinations and booster jabs available to them, provided your pre-existing health makeup allows you to do so. (Please seek qualified medical advice, local to you).

Q5. Do I need to take a lateral flow or PCR test?

We strongly recommend attendees take a lateral flow test prior to travelling, just for peace of mind. Whilst the UK Government has unfortunately removed free access to these for most people, they can still be bought for a small price at pharmacies.

Q6. I have symptoms, can I still attend?


If you are displaying symptoms, please do not travel. (In relation to that point, it remains our advice that attendees should always have appropriate travel insurance in place prior to commencing their journey)

Q7. Will I need to wear a mask?

We see TFN as a mask-friendly zone and we encourage attendees who feel more comfortable in masks to wear them without worry. As the Government has removed the necessity for masks to be worn in hospitality settings, it is likely you will encounter members of the public who are not masked as we share the hotel with other events and guests, so it may provide you with some reassurance to carry your own.

Q8. What measures will be in place?

We will be encouraging attendees to maintain good hygiene, with frequent handwashing. Hand sanitiser will be freely available in various locations around the event, including every public bathroom.

We have taken the decision to implement separate queuing systems, to try and afford attendees additional comfort when waiting to enter our various event halls. New signage and (not so new) crew members will be on hand to point you in the right direction.

Perhaps the biggest change, we have redesigned our trader hall floor plan. We’ve always done our best to provide extra wide aisles compared to similarly sized events, but the new floorplan will see us affording additional space around doors and at the guest area of the hall, so attendees can more easily practise social distancing when queuing, should they wish to do so.

We offer complimentary Essential Companion tickets to those attendees who require additional support in the form of a carer in order to enjoy our events.

In order to offer this we need to first verify attendees suitability by asking that they provide some evidence of their need for substantial, significant or frequent support.

Q1. How do I apply for an Essential Companion Pass?

To apply for an essential companion pass you must contact us at with details of why the additional support is required, and evidence to support your application, for us to verify.

Once we receive the evidence the team can make a decision regarding your application. If approved, the attendee will need to purchase their ticket(s) for the event and then email us with their booking reference and the full name and date of birth of the essential companion they wish for us to add to the booking. We will then update the booking with the additional ticket and send you an email confirming this has been done. The extra ticket will appear under your order history, where it can also be downloaded at any time.

Q2. What forms of evidence do you accept?

The evidence we accept includes:

  1. A copy of any Nimbus / Access Card for us to verify.
  2. A copy of the PIP decision letter showing the first page with the full name/address and headed paper clearly visible; the assessment page which is usually the second to last page; and the mobility scores which are normally on the last page. If you are not within the UK, then we ask for a copy of the equivalent documentation from your country of residence.
  3. A copy of any benefit entitlement (optional).

Q1. What is a Mini-Con?

TFN:Mini-Con® is the name of our single-day conventions. As the name suggests, TFN:Mini-Con®s are a smaller version of our 3-day summer convention.

These events typically include comicbook guests, traders, forge artists, panels and the chance to socialise with friends, all within a central location which is convenient for rail and road transport links.

TFN:Mini-Con®s are based at intimate, regional venues. They are limited-capacity events which means there is a good chance tickets may sell out at the pre-order stage. This means we cannot guarantee the availability of on-the-door tickets.

Q2. Will there be traders?

Yes! TFN:Mini-Con®s feature a trading area filled with all different kinds of Transformers and other toylines.  They also include a Forge area showing off fan arts and crafts!

Q3. How do you choose the locations?

We hope to hold TFN:Mini-Con®s in varying locations to give as many fans as possible the chance to experience TFNation.

We decided to start with Manchester following the strong attendance at our Manchester TFN:The Gathering® event. Manchester has a vibrant fanbase, excellent transportation links and great venues, which make it ideal for the convention.

Next up, we decided on Reading. Reading has great venues and brilliant transportation links across the whole country, including easy and quick access to central London via the Elizabeth Line.

Q4. Will there be a Friday or Sunday programme?

TFN:Mini-Con® has been specifically planned as a single-day event, so right now there are no plans to add additional days, but we'll always listen to feedback from our attendees.

Q5. Is there a hotel discount rate?

As TFN:Mini-Con®s are been planned as single-day events, there are no specific overnight attendee rates.

After polling attendee feedback, we found overnight accommodation was not a big factor for most people attending TFN:Mini-Con®s; this has therefore enabled us to view some exciting venues outside of the hotel sector.

For those attendees who do require accommodation, we're always mindful to choose venues in hotel-rich areas, with great transportation links.

Q6. Will there be any exclusive merchandise?

Yes! When purchasing your ticket, you will be given the option to buy exclusive TFN:Mini-con® merchandise including our Tour Shirts (in feminine and unisex cuts) and our Teddy Bear companion.

We don't anticipate having much extra merchandise to sell at the event, so be sure to get your pre-orders in to avoid missing out!

Q7. Are the venues accessible?

Yes! We're always keen to book venues with accessibility in mind.

For both our Manchester and Reading TFN:Mini-Con®s, we have been able to secure venues which are wheelchair friendly. Event space is typically all on one floor.

Q8. Is there parking nearby?

Our Manchester venue takes place in an area where there are many public carparks within just a few minutes stroll of the venue; the venue is also able to provide a discount link for overnight residents at the nearest carpark.

Our Reading venue includes free, on-site parking for around 200 vehicles.

It can be easily to accidentally mistake a free carpark for a paid one - so do be sure to check any signage nearby before parking.  Checking ahead of time on the internet is always a good idea.

Q9. What are the food and beverage options?

Our Manchester venue has a fully-stocked hotel bar and restaurant on the ground floor.

Our Reading venue has an on-site bar and restaurant called the Dairy, located just a few minutes walk away, under a covered walkway.

Both serve a variety of dishes including vegetarian and vegan options.

Q10. What's nearby?

Both our Manchester and Reading venues are situated within a short walk of busy town centres, containing many bars, restaurants and retail options - and of course, train stations.

Q11. Is there an extra charge for autographs?


We've designed TFN:Mini-Cons®s as "all inclusive" ticket events. So once you've paid for entry, you're welcome to say hello to any guest and request an autograph at no additional charge. We just ask you to please limit this to a couple of items, to give everybody a chance to meet the guests.

(Of course, each guest's requirements are different, so if this ever changes we'll let you know)

There are however, lots of other things you can buy inside, include prints and art commissions from guests; toys from traders; fan arts and crafts from the Forge - and of course, your convention merchandise from our desk!